QCFT's Values Sep 29, 2022

What are QC Family Tree’s values?

QCFT Cultivates Community for the Common Good

We choose to cultivate a life and community that is thriving for all


We believe our liberation from Imperial death culture is wrapped up in the liberation of the poor and marginalized of our place and society.

We strive to prioritize the full liberation of Black people. We believe that the liberation of Black people in a white supremacist society will mean the liberation of all people - oppressed and oppressor.

We practice collective action. Collaboration and action require sustaining resources, commitment, and structures.

We practice anti-racism, decentralized wealth, mutual aid, and sharing of resources.

We practice accountability by remaining in right, equitable relationships.

We practice anti-colonialism by learning about and respecting the history, traditions, elders, and stories of the land, place, and people.

We celebrate, rely on, share, and focus on assets, gifts, and natural resources of land and people.

We seek to increase “staying power” in the neighborhood. Staying power looks like not having to leave the neighborhood to get needed resources, not paying more than 30% of your income for housing, and not being discriminated against when seeking housing.

We commit to practices that keep us well and able to continue the long-distance journey for justice. Patterns are repeated at scale. We look ahead to the future and not just to the current moment, which enables us to engage in practices of sabbath, communal care, and responsibility that will sustain individuals, the organization, and the land on which we live, well into the future.

We commit ourselves to intervene and interrupt individual and collective generational trauma by sustaining practices for our collective physical, emotional, spiritual, and environmental wellbeing, knowing that this healing and resilience is already and always accessible and available.

When we fail at this, we move towards repair and reconciliation.

When we fail...and we will fail….we will seek to address any harm we have caused; seek to repair that harm; seek to learn from our missteps so that we will not repeat them.